I am using Angular JS and my md-check does not work with Array from Controller. Bellows are the code.
Front End
<md-content flex="13" class="week-day-time bg-white" ng-repeat="weekday in staff.work_plan" layout-padding>
<md-checkbox ng-model="weekday.status"><span class="text-uppercase text-bold">{{ weekday.day }}</span>
<fieldset class="demo-fieldset" >
<legend class="demo-legend"><?php echo lang('working_hours') ?></legend>
<label><?php echo lang('start') ?></label>
<input str-to-time="" ng-model="weekday.start" type="time">
$http.get(BASE_URL + 'api/staff_detail/' + STAFFID).then(function (StaffDetail) {
$scope.staff = StaffDetail.data;
$scope.UpdateWorkPlan = function () {
var dataObj = $.param({
work_plan: $scope.staff.work_plan
var config = {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8;'
Other variables with weekday.day and working hours, weekday.start does work but weekday.status does not working with md-checkbox.
Hoping your help.
Value of ng-model on md-checkbox should be Boolean. Make sure your data isn’t a string “true” or “false”. Check your data to make sure what you have.