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Rotating image view belongs to a RecyclerView on click

NOTE: I solved the problem while I was writing the question so no answers needed. Still sharing this with the answer so that someone experiencing the same can benefit from it.

I have a recycler view which contains image and 2 textViews. I want to rotate the image when it is clicked but some strange things happen:

Sometimes, the image is not rotated. And sometimes, I see some images rotated even though I didn't click on them.

The code for onClickListener:

arrow.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
      public void onClick(View view) {
            showAnswer(getAdapterPosition(), arrow);

The method it is calling:

private void showAnswer(int adapterPosition, ImageView arrow){
    Info info = infoList.get(adapterPosition);

Note that, I also change the visibility of one of my textViews at the same time which works perfectly fine.


  • I caught my mistake while I was writing the "I also change the visibility of one of my textViews" part of the question. Where was I changing it? Not in the onClickListener. It was in the onBindViewHolder method. Therefore, removing the if-else statements from onClick and adding the last line in the following method solved my problem:

    public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull RuleViewHolder holder, int position) {
        Info info = infoList.get(position);
        boolean isExpanded = infoList.get(position).isExpanded();
        holder.expandableLayout.setVisibility(isExpanded ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
        holder.arrow.setRotation(isExpanded ? 90 : 0);