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Use Serilog with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger

I've created a .NET Core 3.1 project using a Host, the IoC container with IServiceCollection and implemented logging allover the place using the ILogger<T> interface from Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. I now need to implement more advanced logging and decided to use Serilog.

I assumed that it would be a breeze to switch from .NET built-in loggers to Serilog. But to my surprise, Serilog is using it's own ILogger interface - bummer! So now I needed to update ALL places to use Serilog ILogger, or to implement Serilog with a .NET Core ILogger<T> interface.

My question is - is it really not possible to use Serilog with the ILogger interface in Microsoft.Extensions.Logging? Would be so much smarter!


  • In the Serilog.Extensions.Logging assembly there is a extension method on IloggingBuilder called AddSerilog (it's in the Serilog namespace) that will allow you to use Serilog for logging. For example:

    .NET Core 2.2 and earlier (using WebHost):

        .ConfigureLogging(logging =>

    .NET Core 3.1 and later (using generic Host for either web or console apps):

        .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder => webBuilder.UseStartup<Startup>()})

    Now the ILogger and ILogger<> implementation will call into Serilog.