I have to return an instance of the class I am in at the time, as one of the variables in a TreeMap which I am returning to main class. I can't seem to figure out how I am supposed to do this. This is my code as is, to show you what I mean to do:
public class Employee {
public static Map<String,Employee> load() {
String a="";
String b="";
String [] c;
TreeMap<String, Employee> d=new TreeMap<>();
try {
Scanner in=new Scanner(new File("employees.txt"));
c=in.nextLine().split(" ");
//Naturally, the "b" below has a red quiggly line under it as this is a string
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
return d;
You need to actually construct an Employee
using new
. Something like:
public class Employee {
private final String name;
public Employee(String name) {
this.name = name;
public static Map<String,Employee> load() throws FileNotFoundException {
TreeMap<String, Employee> map = new TreeMap<>();
Scanner in = new Scanner(new File("employees.txt"));
while(in.hasNextLine()) {
String[] input = in.nextLine().split(" ");
map.put(input[0], new Employee(input[1]));
return map;
A better design would be to have your loading logic in a separate class. Using a few more recent Java features:
record Employee(String name) { }
public class EmployeeIndex {
private final Map<String,Employee> index;
public EmployeeIndex(String filename) {
this.index = Files.lines(Paths.get(filename))
.collect(Collectors.toMap(a -> a[0], a -> new Employee(a[1]));