I am at the very beginning of creating an icon picker for sanity.io with react icons npm package. I am stuck on trying to map over an object and returning the right code for react to work using Object.values(ReactIcons).map...
if I just console log one of the objects values like so ReactIcons.Fa500Px
I get the following function
ƒ (props) {
return Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__lib__["a" /* GenIcon */])({"tag":"svg","attr":{"viewBox":"0 0 448 512"},"child":[{"tag":"path","attr":{"d":"M103.3 344.3c-6.5-14.2-6.9-18.3 7.4-…
Now If I take the same code form the console.log and put it in a jsx or React component brackets like so <ReactIcons.Fa500Px />
it renders the icon just fine
However if I try to do that inside the map method with something like this I just get a bunch of elements in the dom the look like <x></x>
. However the console.log(x) returns a series of the functions that are the same format as the one above that I just placed inside brackets before, which resulted in a icon being rendered.
{Object.values(ReactIcons).map(x =>{
return (
My final attempt to get this to work was to create a Icon function and pass props into it and render it as a component. Which did not work but here is that attempt.
function Icon(props){
{Object.values(ReactIcons).map(x =>{
return (
<Icon value={x}/>
Here's the entire code base in order just to make sure maybe I am putting my Icon function in the wrong place.
import React from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import FormField from 'part:@sanity/components/formfields/default'
import PatchEvent, {set, unset} from 'part:@sanity/form-builder/patch-event'
import * as ReactIcons from 'react-icons/fa'
const createPatchFrom = value => PatchEvent.from(value === '' ? unset() : set(String(value)))
function Icon(props){
class IconPickerCustom extends React.Component{
static propTypes = {
value: PropTypes.string,
onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired
render = () =>{
const {type, value, onChange} = this.props
return (
<FormField label={type.title} description={type.description}>
value={value === undefined ? '' : value}
onChange={event => onChange(createPatchFrom(event.target.value))}
ref={element => this._inputElement = element}
{Object.values(ReactIcons).map(x =>{
return (
{console.log(x)} // has same result as console log below, except it is all the icons
<Icon value={x}/> //neithr works
<x /> //neither works
export default IconPickerCustom;
I got help form the sanity slack, and this ended up solving my problem
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import FormField from 'part:@sanity/components/formfields/default'
import PatchEvent, {set, unset} from 'part:@sanity/form-builder/patch-event'
import * as ReactIcons from 'react-icons/fa'
// const createPatchFrom = value => PatchEvent.from(value === '' ? unset() : set(String(value)))
const Icon =({name}) =>{
const TagName = ReactIcons[name];
return !!TagName ? <TagName /> : <p>{name}</p>;
const Box = ({icon}) =>{
{icon.map((iconsz) => {
<Icon name={iconsz}/>
class IconPickerCustom extends React.Component{
const arr = [];
Object.keys(ReactIcons).map(go => {
this.state = {icon: arr};
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this)
// createPatchFrom = value => PatchEvent.from(value === '' ? unset() : set(String(value)));
handleChange = event => {
const value = event;
const arr = [];
Object.keys(ReactIcons).map(go =>
icon: arr
render = () =>{
const {icon} = this.state
return (
onChange={event => this.handleChange(event.target.value)}
<Box icon={icon}/>
export default IconPickerCustom;