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Can I get configs outside strapi runtime?

I'm implementing knex migrations on my api and I plan on running them on Heroku release phase (before the new version starts).

Is there any way I can get Strapi's parsed configs from my knexfile.js?

Something like this would be great:

const strapi = require('strapi');

The problem is that I don't wanna duplicate my configs, and requiring the config/environments/xxx/database.json won't give me the "parsed" results. Meaning "${process.env.DATABASE_HOST}" won't be interpolated yet.


  • TLDR;

    You can get Strapi's config this way:

    const strapi = require('strapi')({ serveAdminPanel: false });
      .then(() => {
        const config = strapi.config.currentEnvironment;

    But you can get Strapi's knex instance directly this way:

    const strapi = require('strapi')({ serveAdminPanel: false });
      .then(() => {
        const knex = strapi.connections[
        // do anything with knex here
        // like knex.migrate.latest();


    I tried to get the config first, but when I did I kept getting connection error so I managed to get the knex connection directly and things started working!