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Setting cargo.tomcat.valve values in a build.gradle file

What I am trying to do: I want to add a AccessLogValve to the tomcat server.xml so that I can log custom header values. (ref:

Problem I am having: Every-time the gradle is run it creates new server.xml. I want to add a cargo.tomcat.valve container property however I cannot find a format that works.

The valve I want to add is the Access Log Valve

A failed example is containerProperties ['cargo.tomcat.valve'] = 'className=org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve| pattern=combined'

I have tried various versions of the above but none seem to work.

I can see that the maven example is



However I cannot find a way to add custom valves using gradle.


  • After the study, we figured out that the access log updates in server.xml file for tomcat can work with the cargo plugin version >= 2.3 (the current latest one is 2.7.1 as of 30-Apr-2020)

    The example for updating the valve in build.gradle should be as below:

    containerProperties  = [
                'cargo.tomcat.ajp.port' : 8050,
                'cargo.tomcat.valve' : "className=org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve|pattern=%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b %{X-Custom-Header}i|directory=logs|prefix=localhost_access_log.|suffix=.txt"