I've been attempting to modify an array of bytes that I found inside of Cheat Engine inside of C++, but I've reached an Access Violation crash when I attempt to read or write from it.
// Writes pillarbox removal into memory ("33 83 4C 02" to "33 83 4C 00").
*(BYTE*)(*((intptr_t*)((intptr_t)baseModule + 0x1E14850)) + 0x3) = 00;
I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong, as using something similar for the float values that I modified worked fine once I unprotected the main module handle.
Try this :
void WriteToMemory(uintptr_t addressToWrite, char* valueToWrite, int byteNum)
//used to change our file access type, stores the old
//access type and restores it after memory is written
unsigned long OldProtection;
//give that address read and write permissions and store the old permissions at oldProtection
VirtualProtect((LPVOID)(addressToWrite), byteNum, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &OldProtection);
//write the memory into the program and overwrite previous value
memcpy((LPVOID)addressToWrite, valueToWrite, byteNum);
//reset the permissions of the address back to oldProtection after writting memory
VirtualProtect((LPVOID)(addressToWrite), byteNum, OldProtection, NULL);
and call it as such :
MODULEINFO mInfo = GetModuleInfo("name.exe");
//Assign our base and module size
DWORD baseModule = (DWORD)mInfo.lpBaseOfDll;
uintptr_t addressToWrite = (uintptr_t)baseModule + 0x1E14850;
char writeThis[] = "\x33\x83\x4c\x00";
WriteToMemory(addressToWrite, writeThis, 4);
Please let me know if it worked