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How to implement a checked builder pattern in Java

I'm trying to implement a checked builder pattern similar to how it's described in this:

The result I'm trying to reach is as follows:

Builder builder = new Builder('TestVal')
    .when('this').then(new Set<String> {'val1','val2'})
    .when('that').then(new Set<String> {'val3','val4'});

And the resulting object would contain a collection with any number of whens with the associted thens e.g. a Map like this (the param for when() is unique):

'this' => ['val1','val2'],
'that' => ['val3','val4']

I'm struggling with a couple things:

  1. How to associate the values passed into then() with the value passed into when()
  2. How to require then() be called after when(). (e.g. - .when('this').when('that') //invalid


  • The easiest way is to use multiple interfaces to enforce your call ordering and then use that knowledge to associate your items. For example, something along these lines:

    interface Then{
        When then(Set<String> values);
    interface When{
        Then when(String condition);
    class Builder implements When, Then{
        public static When create(){ return new Builder(); }
        private Map<String, Set<String>> storedMappings = new HashMap<>();
        private String currentCondition;
        private Builder(){ }
        public Then when(String condition){
            currentCondition = condition;
            return this;
        public When then(Set<String> values){
            storedMappings.put(currentCondition, values);
            return this;