How can I calculate a "distinct average" in elasticsearch? I have some denormalized data like this:
{ "record_id" : "100", "cost" : 42 }
{ "record_id" : "200", "cost" : 67 }
{ "record_id" : "200", "cost" : 67 }
{ "record_id" : "200", "cost" : 67 }
{ "record_id" : "400", "cost" : 11 }
{ "record_id" : "400", "cost" : 11 }
{ "record_id" : "500", "cost" : 10 }
{ "record_id" : "600", "cost" : 99 }
Notice how the "cost" is always the same for a given "record_id".
So with the above data:
How can I get the AVERAGE values for the "cost" field but DISTINCT by "record_id"? Result would be (42+67+11+10+99)/5=45.8
How can I get the SUM values for the "cost" field but DISTINCT by "record_id"? Result would be 42+67+11+10+99=229
Could I use a combination of a "terms" aggregation and then "first" and "average" sub-aggregations? I'm thinking something like this: elasticsearch calculate average of unique values
It's not going to work with terms
aggs. Here's what's possible using painless scripts:
Indexing -- your actual mapping may differ from the generated default (esp the .keyword
part on the rec_id
POST _bulk
Then aggregating
GET uniques/_search
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"terms": {
"scripted_metric": {
"init_script": "state.id_map = [:]; state.sum = 0.0; state.elem_count = 0.0;",
"map_script": """
def id = doc['record_id.keyword'].value;
if (!state.id_map.containsKey(id)) {
state.id_map[id] = true;
state.sum += doc['cost'].value;
"combine_script": """
def sum = state.sum;
def avg = sum / state.elem_count;
def stats = [:];
stats.sum = sum;
stats.avg = avg;
return stats
"reduce_script": "return states"
And yielding
"aggregations" : {
"terms" : {
"value" : [
"avg" : 45.8,
"sum" : 229.0