I have a small java 11 module project, which consists of two modules moduleA and modules.
moduleB MyService.java
package com.company.packageB;
public class MyService {
public String getHelloWorld(){
return "Hello world!";
module moduleB {}
moduleA module-info.java
module moduleA {}
package com.company.packageA;
import com.company.packageB.MyService;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
MyService myService = new MyService();
String s = myService.getHelloWorld();
I'd like to run this project. I compile moduleB with this command
javac -d out/moduleB $(find ./moduleB -name "*.java")
and then I'd like to compile moduleA,
javac -p out/moduleB --add-reads moduleA=moduleB --add-exports moduleB/com.company.packageB=moduleA -d out/moduleA $(find ./moduleA -name "*.java")
but I run into the issue:
warning: module name in --add-reads option not found: moduleB
warning: [options] module name in --add-exports option not found: moduleB
./moduleA/src/com/company/packageA/Main.java:3: error: package com.company.packageB does not exist
import com.company.packageB.MyService;
./moduleA/src/com/company/packageA/Main.java:7: error: cannot find symbol
MyService myService = new MyService();
symbol: class MyService
location: class Main
How can I compile moduleA with --add-export and --add-reads options?
You should export the package before trying to use the classes from within it in another module.
So, at first the moduleB
should export the package as:
module moduleB {
exports com.company.packageB;
and then the other module moduleA
should require the moduleB -
module moduleA {
requires moduleB;