If the question is a duplicate, I apologise, I didn't find anything via Google.
To my problem:
I have the following test:
public void testSecondsToMinutes() {
long zero = 0;
long thirty_seconds = 30;
long one_minute = 60;
long thirty_minutes_fiftynine_seonds = 1859;
long two_hours_ten_miutes_fourty_seconds = 7840;
String format1 = "00:00:00";
String format2 = "00:00:30";
String format3 = "00:01:00";
String format4 = "00:30:59";
String format5 = "02:10:40";
and the following function:
public static String secondsToMinutes(long seconds)
return String.format("%TH:%TM:%TS", seconds, seconds, seconds);
the Java documentation for the Formatter states the following:
The following conversion characters are used for formatting common date/time compositions.
This conversion may be applied to long, Long, Calendar, and Date.
'R' '\u0052' Time formatted for the 24-hour clock as "%tH:%tM"
'T' '\u0054' Time formatted for the 24-hour clock as "%tH:%tM:%tS".
However, I am getting the following ComparisionFailure:
expected 00:00:00 but was 01:00:00
I must be missing something obvious here...
When you pass a long
to String.format
, it’s interpreted as milliseconds from the epoch, which is an entirely different entity than your intended seconds from midnight.
Your problem is solved easiest by directly encoding your intention:
public static String secondsToTwentyFourHourString(long seconds) {
return String.format("%1$TH:%1$TM:%1$TS", LocalTime.ofSecondOfDay(seconds));
This way, you specify an operation which is not dependent on time zones.
The same logic also works with DateTimeFormatter
public static String secondsToTwentyFourHourString(long seconds) {
return LocalTime.ofSecondOfDay(seconds)