Assume the following code, which is a tiny sprintf substitute. (The _itoa and the likes was just used to keep the code short.)
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
class Arg {
Arg(const std::string& s) :m_str(s) {}
Arg(const char* s) : m_str(s) {}
Arg(int digi, double number) {char buf[128]; m_str = _gcvt(number, digi, buf);}
operator const std::string& ()const { return m_str; }
std::string m_str;
class Format {
Format(/*const char* format, */std::initializer_list<Arg> args); // see below
const std::string& str()const { return m_str; }
std::string m_str;
Format::Format(/*const char* format, */std::initializer_list<Arg> args) {
auto arg = args.begin();
auto format = std::string(*arg++);
for(const char* c = format.c_str(); *c!='\0'; ++c) {
if(*c=='%') { m_str+=*arg++; }
else { m_str+=*c; }
int main() {
std::string test1 = Format{"test Double:% String:%", {5, 456.78}, "foo"}.str();
// I want to make this work. See the braces.
std::string test2 = Format("test Double:% String:%", {5, 456.78}, "foo").str();
return 0;
You see, I want to pass arguments, limited to type "Arg", but use a constructor that uses e.g. varadic templates instead of the initializer_list<> for better readability.
I tried:
template<typename... T>
Format(T&& ... args) : Format(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
But i get:
error C2440: '<function-style-cast>': cannot convert from 'initializer list' to 'Format'
note: No constructor could take the source type, or constructor overload resolution was ambiguous
requires {}
not ()
{5, 456.78}
has no type and couldn't be deduced for template.
The way to keep your syntax in the old overload way:
Format(Arg arg0) : Format(std::initializer_list{arg0});
Format(Arg arg0, Arg arg1) : Format({arg0, arg1});
Format(Arg arg0, Arg arg1, Arg arg2) : Format({arg0, arg1, arg2});
// ... Up to some limit