I have a function which is defined in side an object. I have used Qunit to write test cases. When I try to generate code coverage report it gives me error var test is not defined.
JS file
var obj = {
testFunction: function () {
return true
Qunit tests case
QUnit.test("testFunction", function (assert) {
assert.equal(obj.convertPostCode(), true, "We expect return true");
Firstly $ being jquery, considers first param as a selector, but still executes the function but returns a jquery object back.
secondly, the obj is defined within that function scope and won't be available in your test scope.
to make it available, define obj outside either in the same level as the test or one or more levels above than the test, set its value inside the function inside $
var obj;
obj = {
convertPostCode: function (postcode) {
var len = postcode.length,
index = 0;
switch (len) {
case 5:
index = 2;
case 6:
index = 3;
case 7:
index = 4;
return postcode.substr(0, index) + " " + postcode.substr(index);
Assuming the test is on the same level, you should now have access to obj