NOTE : This is not duplicate as I didn't find any question related to take screenshot of video and canvas combined and I tried html2canvas
We have a div which internally contains video element and canvas. Video is for streaming and canvas is to draw any thing on that video. Now if I take a screenshot of div, it has to contain the video frame and the drawing. I didn't find any way to get this. I tried html2canvas but it is giving the screenshot of only canvas. Below is code.
<div id="remoteScreen">
<video id="remoteVideo" autoplay></video>
<canvas id="remoteCanvas"></canvas>
<button id="captureButton">Capture</button>
video {
max-width: 100%;
width: 320px;
canvas {
position: absolute;
background: transparent;
const captureBtn = document.querySelector("#captureButton");
captureBtn.addEventListener('click', captureCanvasVideoShot);
function captureCanvasVideoShot() {
html2canvas(document.querySelector("#remoteScreen")).then(function(canvas) {
By using html2canvas, I thought I will get combined screenshot of video and canvas as canvas is on top of video and both are part of remoteScreen div. But I got screenshot of canvas only. Can any one please let me know is there any way to get the screenshot of video + canvas combined or can I pass any additional configuration parameters to html2canvas to get the screenshot of video + canvas combined?
html2canvas cannot reproduce a video screenshot. It generates an image by reading a page's HTML elements and rendering a picture of them according to the CSS styling information. It doesn't actually take a screenshot.