In my methods I have a function which is triggered using a @click in the view. This functions starts a timer, the timer works as I can see in the DevTools but it only updates in the DevTools when I hit refresh.
Also in the view the timer isn't shown at all as it is only rendered in once and it's not looking for updates.
UPDATED: Full code on request
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="card mt-2 p-3 w-75 mx-auto">
<h2>League Summoners Timers</h2>
<h5>Enemy team</h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12 col-lg-2" v-for="index in lanes" :key="index">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-header">
<p class="m-0">{{ index }}</p>
<div class="card-body">
<div v-show="!gameStarted">
<div v-show="selected[index.toLowerCase()].length < 2" class="spell-image-row" v-for="spell in spells" :key="" @click="onClickSelection(spell, index)">
<img class="spell-image m-1" :alt="" :src="spell.image">
<div v-show="selected[index.toLowerCase()].length >= 2">
<span class="alert alert-primary">Spells selected</span>
<ul class="mt-3">
<li v-for="selectedSpell in selected[index.toLowerCase()]" :key="selectedSpell">
{{ selectedSpell }}
<div v-show="gameStarted">
<div v-for="spell in selected[index.toLowerCase()]" :key="index+spell">
<div class="row">
<img style="float: left" class="my-1" :src="spells[spell.toLowerCase()].image" :alt="" @click="onClickStartTimer(spell, index)">
<p>{{ timers[index.toLowerCase()][spell.toLowerCase()] }}</p>
<div class="mt-3">
<button class="btn btn-primary mr-3" @click="gameStarted = true" v-show="checkSelected() && !gameStarted">Start game</button>
<button class="btn btn-danger" onClick="window.location.reload();">Reset</button>
export default {
name: "LeagueTimers",
data() {
return {
gameStarted: false,
lanes: ['Top', 'Jungle', 'Mid', 'ADC', 'Support'],
spells: {
teleport: {
name: 'Teleport',
image: require('../assets/images/Teleport.png'),
cooldown: 420,
ignite: {
name: 'Ignite',
image: require('../assets/images/Ignite.png'),
cooldown: 180,
heal: {
name: 'Heal',
image: require('../assets/images/Heal.png'),
cooldown: 240,
ghost: {
name: 'Ghost',
image: require('../assets/images/Ghost.png'),
cooldown: 300,
flash: {
name: 'Flash',
image: require('../assets/images/Flash.png'),
cooldown: 300,
exhaust: {
name: 'Exhaust',
image: require('../assets/images/Exhaust.png'),
cooldown: 210,
cleanse: {
name: 'Cleanse',
image: require('../assets/images/Cleanse.png'),
cooldown: 210,
barrier: {
name: 'Barrier',
image: require('../assets/images/Barrier.png'),
cooldown: 180,
smite: {
name: 'Smite',
image: require('../assets/images/Smite.png'),
cooldown: 15,
selected: {
top: [],
jungle: [],
mid: [],
adc: [],
support: [],
timers: {
top: {},
jungle: {},
mid: {},
adc: {},
support: {},
methods: {
onClickSelection(spell, lane) {
onClickStartTimer(spell, lane) {
if (!this.timers[lane.toLowerCase()][spell.toLowerCase()]) {
this.startTimer(spell.toLowerCase(), lane.toLowerCase(), this.spells[spell.toLowerCase()].cooldown);
} else {
console.log('runt al');
checkSelected() {
for (let [key] of Object.entries(this.selected)) {
if (this.selected[key].length !== 2) {
return false;
return true;
startTimer(spell, lane, cooldown) {
this.timers[lane][spell] = cooldown;
let timers = this.timers;
setInterval(function (){
// console.log(lane+spell + " - " + timers[lane][spell]);
// console.log(typeof timers[lane][spell])
}, 1000);
What I've tried to far is using watch: {} and computed: {} but nothing has worked so far. I have to add that I'm pretty new to Vue.
try to declare your setInterval function this way
setInterval(() => {
console.log(lane+spell + " - " + timers[lane][spell]);
console.log(typeof timers[lane][spell])
// this.$forceUpdate();
}, 1000);
Using an arrow function, you have access to the properties data using this.timers. Using Function syntax will create a new scope, and this.timers is not available
If you want to use the function syntax, you can bind the this object by this way
setInterval(function () {
console.log(lane+spell + " - " + timers[lane][spell]);
console.log(typeof timers[lane][spell])
}.bind(this), 1000)
Also, to add reactivity to the objects inside the data property timers, you must declare them initially:
{ top:
{ teleport: 0,
smite: 0,
... },
If you want to add dynamically these properties, the vue set property is the way to do it, you can read more about it here