I have got a project wherein my database going to upgrade to /sybase 16.3 version. My current applications has the either jconn2 and Jconn4 dependencies to connect to current Sybase version. Can anyone help me to cover following points:
You can review the various versions of JConnect here: https://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/SYBCON/jConnect+Driver+Overview
Watch out for this change as well:
Major changes: from jconn3.jar to jconn4.jar from SDK 15.5 ESD#3 and higher DYNAMIC_PREPARE changed the default setting from false in jconn3 to true with jconn4. ref: http://infocenter.sybase.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.sybase.infocenter.dc20155.1550/html/newfesd/CIHCIIJE.htm
This changed caused us serious issues with spinlock contention in procedure cache after a SDK patch where this was enabled.