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webdriverio element undefined inside arrow function

I am working on webdriverio automation project. I have the following code.

waitUntilVisible(element, maxTimeOut) {
    console.log("********** PARAMETER ************" + element);

    const testelement = $('#identifierId');

    browser.waitUntil(testelement => {

        console.log("************** INSIDE *********" + testelement);

        return testelement.isDisplayed();

    }, maxTimeOut, 'Wait for element to be visible');

testelement is always returning undefined. Could some one suggest me what is going wrong.


  • Why don't use waitForDisplayed?

    But if you want to use your own - you have problem with calling your function

    waitUntilVisible(element, maxTimeOut) {
        console.log("********** PARAMETER ************" + element);
        //this is never called due same name of variable in fn waitUntil
        const testelement = $('#identifierId');

    Possible fixes:

    // if you want to pass selector 
    waitUntilVisible(elementSelector, maxTimeOut) {
        console.log("********** PARAMETER ************" + elementSelector);
        browser.waitUntil(testelement => {
            console.log("************** INSIDE *********" + elementSelector);
            return $(elementSelector).isDisplayed();
        }, maxTimeOut, 'Wait for element to be visible');
    // if you want to pass WebDriverIO object 
    waitUntilVisible(element, maxTimeOut) {
        console.log("********** PARAMETER ************");
        browser.waitUntil( () => {
            console.log("************** INSIDE *********");
            return element.isDisplayed();
        }, maxTimeOut, 'Wait for element to be visible');