I have the following js file that handles a widget and I would like to overwrite and add code for custom events function, but when I tried to instantiate, nothing seems to be on the object:
This a reference for the script that I want to overwrite
odoo.define('my_module.my_report', function (require) {
'use strict';
var myWidget = AbstractAction.extend(ControlPanelMixin, {
custom_events: {
core.action_registry.add('my_report', myWidget );
return myWidget
I have tried inheriting using the following:
var InheritedWidget = require('my_module.my_report);
and also:
var InheritedWidget = core.action_registry.get('my_report');
and when I tried to override, nothing seems to happen:
custom_events: {
//My custom code goes here
Do you know how to override this widget or method?
You need to extend the custom_events
of an existing widget.
var InheritedWidget = require('my_module.my_report');
custom_events: _.extend({}, InheritedWidget.prototype.custom_events, {
//My custom code goes here
For more details refer to the event system documentation.