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MySQL INSERT Using Subquery with COUNT() on the Same Table

I'm having trouble getting an INSERT query to execute properly, and I can't seem to find anything on Google or Stack Overflow that solves this particular issue.

I'm trying to create a simple table for featured entries, where the entry_id is saved to the table along with it's current order.

My desired output is this:

If the featured table currently has these three entries:

featured_id    entry_id    featured_order
1              27          0
2              54          1
4              23          2

I want the next entry to save with featured_order=3.

I'm trying to get the following query to work with no luck:

INSERT INTO `featured`
    `entry_id`, `featured_order`
    (SELECT COUNT(*) AS `the_count` FROM `featured`)

The error I'm getting is: You can't specify target table 'featured' for update in FROM clause.

Can anyone help with a solution that gets the count without causing an error?

Thanks in advance!


  • Here is a cool thing: MySQL's INSERT . . . SELECT:

    INSERT INTO `featured`
        `entry_id`, `featured_order`
    SELECT 200, COUNT(*) + 1
    FROM `featured`

    No subquery required.

    @Bohemian has a good point:

    Better to use max(featured_order) + 1 if you use this approach

    So a better query would probably be:

    INSERT INTO `featured`
        `entry_id`, `featured_order`
    SELECT 200, MAX(`featured_order`) + 1
    FROM `featured`

    His trigger method describe in his answer is also a good way to accomplish what you want.

    The potential problem with query 1 is if you ever delete a row the rank will be thrown off, and you'll have a duplicate in featured_order. With the second query this is not a problem, but you will have gaps, just as if you were using an auto-increment column.

    If you absolutely must have an order with no gaps the best solution I know of is to run this series of queries:

    SET @pos:=0;
    ALTER TABLE featured ORDER BY featured_order ASC;
    INSERT INTO temp1 (featured_id, entry_id, featured_order) 
    SELECT featured_id, entry_id, @pos:=@pos+1 FROM words;
    UPDATE featured 
    JOIN temp1 ON featured.featured_id = temp1.featured_id 
    SET featured.rank = temp1.rank;
    DROP TABLE temp1;

    Whenever you delete a row