Simply put, I want to make a program that counts down (+ voice) but when numbers like 1mil comes this takes longer than 1 sec to pronounce so I would like to find out how I can get the "EventHandler" to run and how I can use it (i do not need code for counting etc. but how to create an EventHandler and where i need to write the Code when its been called)
I cant just use Text.Speak("")
cuz this leads to desync with the Text printed. I need that callback to start a new Speak and sync it with Text.
Sry... i hate to ask ppl but after 3h i surrender pls help me
SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer();
int counting = 0;
private void TTS() //First trigger
synth.SelectVoiceByHints(VoiceGender.Female, VoiceAge.NotSet, 0);
textBox1.Text = "1";
counting = 1;
synth.SpeakCompleted += synth_SpeechOver;
//public event EventHandler<System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeakCompletedEventArgs> SpeakCompleted; deleted
public void synth_SpeechOver(object sender, EventArgs e)
synth.SelectVoiceByHints(VoiceGender.Female, VoiceAge.NotSet, 0);
void Form1_SpeakCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e)
//(Form1_SpeakCompleted is just for testing (doesnt work)
Callback only works for SpeakAsync
The SpeechSynthesizer raises the SpeakCompleted event at the completion of any of the SpeakAsync or SpeakSsmlAsync methods.