Let's say I have the following string in JAVA:
str = "B49FD7FD96B"
I can change this string into B49F D7FD 96B
by doing the following:
str = str.replaceAll("....", "$0 ");
But how can I change my string into this??? B49 FD7F D96B
So in a way I actually need to use the function .ReplaceAll() from the opposite direction. Or is this not possible with .ReplaceAll() and do I need to use something else? If so, what would be the best way to do this?
If you want to split it into groups of 4 with the leftovers at the beginning instead of the end by using replaceAll
"the other way," you can just reverse the string, do it, and reverse it again:
str = "B49FD7FD96B";
str = new StringBuilder(str).reverse().toString();
str = str.replaceAll("....", "$0 ");
str = new StringBuilder(str).reverse().toString();
Result: "B49 FD7F D96B"