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Accessing rows/columns/diagonals of a 2d matrix C#

I'd like to access the rows, cols and the diagonals of a 2d matrix. How can I do this correctly?

I'm planning to use this in a function where I will access a particular row, column or diagonal and then exit the nested loop.

I've tried the following example :

Considering a 2d matrix of chars :

char[,] board = { { 'O', 'O', 'O' }, { 'X', 'X', 'X' }, { 'O', 'O', 'O' } };

for (int i = 0; i < board.GetLength(0); i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < board.GetLength(1); j++)

        // for example the second row where all the values are X
        if (board[i+1, j] == 'X' && board[i+1, j+1] == 'X' && board[i+1, j+2] == 'X')
            Console.WriteLine(board[i+1, j]);
            Console.WriteLine(board[i+1, j+1]);
            Console.WriteLine(board[i+1, j+2]);


  • To read from the array in the method you want, omit the for loops and just access the array directly...

    // Only X's
    Console.Write(board[1, 0]);
    Console.Write(board[1, 1]);
    Console.WriteLine(board[1, 2]);
    // Diagonal
    Console.Write(board[0, 0]);
    Console.Write(board[1, 1]);
    Console.WriteLine(board[2, 2]);

    Use the for loops if you want to iterate through and display all of the values contained within the array. Remove the i+1 or 2 and j+1 or 2 as these will end up exceeding the array's constraints and cause an error

    for (int i = 0; i < board.GetLength(0); i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < board.GetLength(1); j++)
            Console.WriteLine(board[i, j]);

    To search for winners, you can do something as simple as checking all 8 combinations:

    if ((board[0, 0] == charToCompare && board[0, 1] == charToCompare && board[0, 2] == charToCompare) || //Row 1
    (board[1, 0] == charToCompare && board[1, 1] == charToCompare && board[1, 2] == charToCompare) || //Row 2
    (board[2, 0] == charToCompare && board[2, 1] == charToCompare && board[2, 2] == charToCompare) || //Row 3
    (board[0, 0] == charToCompare && board[1, 0] == charToCompare && board[2, 0] == charToCompare) || //Col 1
    (board[1, 0] == charToCompare && board[1, 1] == charToCompare && board[1, 2] == charToCompare) || //Col 2
    (board[2, 0] == charToCompare && board[2, 1] == charToCompare && board[2, 2] == charToCompare) || //Col 3
    (board[0, 0] == charToCompare && board[1, 1] == charToCompare && board[2, 2] == charToCompare) || //Diagonal Top to Bottom
    (board[2, 0] == charToCompare && board[1, 1] == charToCompare && board[0, 2] == charToCompare)) //Diagonal Bottom to Top

    Or to modify your original code with 1 for loop and the breaks, you can do like so. There are probably much better ways, but effectively you will need to implement a routine to check for the solutions you desire

    char[,] board = {   { 'X', 'O', 'O' }
                    ,   { 'X', 'X', 'O' }
                    ,   { 'O', 'X', 'X' } };
    char charToCompare = 'X';
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
         if (board[i, 0] == charToCompare && board[i, 1] == charToCompare && board[i, 2] == charToCompare)
             Console.WriteLine($"Winner Row {i}");
         if (board[0, i] == charToCompare && board[1, i] == charToCompare && board[2, i] == charToCompare)
             Console.WriteLine($"Winner Column {i}");
    if (board[0, 0] == charToCompare && board[1, 1] == charToCompare && board[2, 2] == charToCompare)
        Console.WriteLine("Winner diagonal top to bottom");
    if (board[2, 0] == charToCompare && board[1, 1] == charToCompare && board[0, 2] == charToCompare)
        Console.WriteLine("Winner diagonal bottom to top");