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amcharts: How to add an action in tooltip

I am trying to add an action in amcharts like:

function myfunc(name){
  alert("hi "+name);

var tooltipDetail='<div class="detail" name="{name}" onclick="myfunc({name});">detail {name}</div>'

series1.columns.template.tooltipHTML = tooltipDetail;

When I replace 'myfunc()' by 'alert(1)' it launch an alert but myfunc defined in code launch an error in console 'Uncaught ReferenceError: myfunc is not defined'. why? how can I solve this issue?

My intention was create a more elaborated function with jquery like:

  var name=this.attr("name");

But it does not work, then I simplify the code... I checked $('.detail').html() is not available if tooltip is not showed yet so I think it is built when tooltip is launched.

Also I tried to include the function in tooltip like:

var tooltipDetail='<script>function hi({name}){alert("hi"+name);}</script><div class="detail" name="{name}" onclick="hi({name});">detail {name}</div>'

It results in same issue, 'hi' is not defined.

Any recommendation? thanks


  • AmCharts seems to have an event system. Try using an on click event handler:

    function myfunc(){
    }'hit', myFunc);

    See this modified CodePen where the tooltip is clickable: (original from official amCharts docs: