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Completing binary matrix with cplex constraint programming

I want to generate a 20x38 binary matrix based on some constraints that I have using a dpcplex model. Some of the matrix cells are predefind as below (row,col,parameter):


I need to fill out the other matrix cells with some constraints:

  • sum of columns must equal to 10
  • sum of rows must equal to 19
  • last 4 cells of each row must be alternative: just 1010 or 0101 is allowed
  • no more that 2 consecutive 0s or 1s
  • sum of every 5 cells in each row must be in range [2,3] : no 11011 or 00100
  • sum of pair of consecutive 0s must be <=3 : in each row we are not allowed to have more than 3 pair of 00 and 3 pairs of 11

The problem is that my model doesn't return any solutions. I am not sure if my model is correct.

here is my code:

from import Model


model = Model("MatrixComple")

R = [i for i in range(20)]
R1=[i for i in range(38)]
R3=[i for i in range(36)]
R4=[i for i in range(34)]
R5=[i for i in range(37)]
idx = [(i, j) for i in R for j in R1 ]

x = model.binary_var_dict(idx,name= "x")

"""pre-defined cells"""
for i in R:
    for j in R1:
        for item in cond:
            model.add_constraint(x[i1, i2] == i3)

"""sum of columns must be equal to 10   """    
model.add_constraints(model.sum(x[i, j] for i in R) == 10 for j in R2)

"""sum of rows must be equal to 19  """
model.add_constraints(model.sum(x[i, j] for j in R1) == 19 for i in R)

"""(apply to all rows)last 4 cells of each row must be alternative: just 1010 or 0101 is allowed"""
model.add_constraints(model.sum(x[(i, j)] for j in R2 ) == 2 for i in R  )
model.add_constraints(x[(i, 34)] ==x[(i, 36)]  for i in R  )

"""no more that 2 consecutive 0s or 1s : 110 or 001 or 101 or 010
this rule can not be applied to pre-defined cells. For example if we have 000 or 111 in pre-defined conditions,
we need to apply this rule for the rest of matrix not the pre-defined cells
model.add_constraints(model.sum(x[i, j]+x[i,j+1]+x[i,j+2] for j in R3) <=2 for i in R)
model.add_constraints(model.sum(x[i, j]+x[i,j+1]+x[i,j+2] for j in R3) >=1 for i in R)

""" (apply to all rows) sum of every 5 cells in each row must be in range [2,3] : no 11011 or 00100 is allowed """
model.add_constraints(model.sum(x[i, j]+x[i,j+1]+x[i,j+2]+x[i,j+3]+x[i,j+4]for j in R4) <=3 for i in R)
model.add_constraints(model.sum(x[i, j]+x[i,j+1]+x[i,j+2]+x[i,j+3]+x[i,j+4]for j in R4) >=2 for i in R)

""" (apply to all rows) sum of pair of consecutive 0s must be <=3 : in each row we are not allowed to have 
more than 3 pair of 00 """

for i in R:
    for j in R5:
            if x[i, j]==x[i,j+1]==0:
    model.add_constraint(s<= 3)

""" (apply to all rows) sum of pair of consecutive 1s must be <=3 : in each row we are not allowed to have 
more than 3 pair of 11 """
for i in R:
    for j in R5:
            if x[i, j]==x[i,j+1]==1:
    model.add_constraint(s<= 3)

solution = model.solve()


  • I found out what makes the model impossible: The constraint "no more than two consecutive 0s or 1s" was incorrect (and so is the constraint about 5 consecutive cells. You should not sum over the whole row, but pot one range per cell:

    """no more that 2 consecutive 0s or 1s : 110 or 001 or 101 or 010
    this rule can not be applied to pre-defined cells. For example if we have 000 or 111 in pre-defined conditions,
    we need to apply this rule for the rest of matrix not the pre-defined cells
    for i in R:
        for j in R3:
            s3ij = x[i, j]+x[i,j+1]+x[i,j+2]
            model.add_range(1, s3ij, 2, f"range3_{i}_{j}")

    Similarly, the constraint on five consecutive cells can be written as:

    for i in R:
    for j in R4:
        s5ij = x[i, j]+x[i,j+1]+x[i,j+2] +x[i,j+3] +x[i,j+4]
        model.add_range(2, s5ij, 3, f"range5_{i}_{j}")

    With these changes, the model becomes feasible.

    Hope this helps.
