I can see before closing my app that I have a table called 'styles' inside my SQLite database. The table has multiple entries. However once I close my app and reopen it, if I do a raw query "SELECT * FROM styles", no results are returned.
I create my SQLiteDatabase by:
SQLiteDatabase database = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(getDatabaseDirectory(), null);
boolean hasEntries = database.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM styles", new String[]{}).moveToFirst();
// hasEntries is always false
The method getDatabaseString() is implemented as so:
private File getDatabaseDirectory() {
File dbpath = this.context.getDatabasePath( "MyAppsDatabase" );
if (!dbpath.getParentFile().exists()) {
return dbpath;
This is being run on a thread other than the UI thread, incase that has any effect? I have seen some examples where individuals are overriding there database directory when getting the database path, but I assume that is not my issue. Any suggestions would be very helpful. Thank you!
Instead of creating my database instance using SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(...)
I created a SQLiteOpenHelper
folowing the instruction found here:
Calling sqLiteOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase()
sorts the issue.