First, thank you for spending some time on this problem. I've tried based on my own knowledge but can not find out where to modify. I have made a game and in the end, I have to return the formatted string to the terminal.
The exception appeared when I change basic string concatenation to the formatted string. I don't know how to fix it.
is the player array.WinRatio
is score
(int) divided by gamePlayed
(int), rounding to integer.Here is part of my code.
public static void searchAndPrintRankingDataDesc() {
NimPlayer [] players = NimPlayer.getPlayer();
Arrays.sort(players, Comparator.comparing((NimPlayer::getWinRatio)).reversed().thenComparing(NimPlayer::getUserName));;
And my toString method:
public String getWinRatio() {
return Integer.toString(Math.round(Float.valueOf(getScore())/ (getGamePlayed())*100));
public String toString() {
return String.format( "%02d" +"% | "+ "%02d" +" games | "+ "%s " + "%s", getWinRatio(), gamePlayed, givenName, familyName);
% is a special character for String.format, to escape %, you will have to replace it with %%. So your statement becomes-
String.format( "%02d" +"%% | "+ "%02d" +" games | "+ "%s " + "%s", getWinRatio(), gamePlayed, givenName, familyName);