For a use case, I want to delete a key upon retrieval from Redis server in a single call i.e. key is a one time use. I'm using lettuce library to connect to redis server.
Is there any specific configuration available in redis side or any specific lettuce API I can use? My sample code looks like below.
RedisAsyncCommands<String, String> command = notificationConnection.async();
CompletionStage<String> result = command.get(id)
Lettuce: 5.2.2
Redis: 5.0.8
There is no single command to do it both. Your library may have a method to do it both but redis will receive two commands. If you want it to be atomic you either cover your commands it with multi
or use lua script
. Here is the example usage of transactions with redis.> multi
OK> get a
QUEUED> del a
QUEUED> exec
1) "b" -> result of get
2) (integer) 1 -> result of del