I'm using a bit of a personalized security back-end due to the nature of the app and was trying out how to implement a few simple error returns in my REST API controller. It's simple enough to do in a html page controller like I have in the following:
public class HomeController {
private UserService userService;
public String home(Model model) {
String redirect = "home";
if(!userService.getCurrentUser().isCanAccessService()) {
redirect = "unauthorized";
return redirect;
I can easily just redirect it to the unauthorized page that I made since I'm returning the string value here. However, when I go to a REST API it's not as simple:
public class bagelController {
private bagelService bagelService;
private UserService userService;
public Bagel searchBagel (@RequestParam(value = "bagel", required = false) String bagel,
@RequestParam(value = "bagelInd", required = false, defaultValue = "1") int bagelInd) {
Bagel bagel;
if(!userService.getCurrentUser().isBagelEditAccess()) {
bagel = null;
// I want to return a 401 or direct to my unathorized page if I get an invalid user here.
else {
bagel = bagelService.getbagel(bagel, bagelInd);
// if my bagel object returns null, I want to return a 404 or direct to a 404 not
found page here.
return bagel;
One way to do this.
public ResponseEntity<Bagel> searchBagel (@RequestParam(value = "bagel", required = false) String bagel,
@RequestParam(value = "bagelInd", required = false, defaultValue = "1") int bagelInd) {
Bagel bagel = null;
if(!userService.getCurrentUser().isBagelEditAccess()) {
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
else {
bagel = bagelService.getbagel(bagel, bagelInd);
if(bagel == null) {
return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();
return ResponseEntity.ok(bagel);