I have a react application, which has Routes in it and Authorization module from Firebase. I deployed simple React apps to GH-Pages before successfully. Watch a tutorial on YT and tried to deploy the current app with HashRouter and BrowserRouter - no success.
How to deploy it correctly? GitHub, Google provides no answer that will help me.
Git: https://github.com/TyroniUA/X-Culture
"scripts": {
"start": "node scripts/start.js",
"build": "node scripts/build.js",
"test": "node scripts/test.js",
"predeploy": "npm run build",
"deploy":"gh-pages -d build"
App.JS where Auth & Routes:
import { HashRouter as Router, Switch, Route } from "react-router-dom"
import { AuthProvider } from "./FireBase/Auth";
/// some imports later
function App() {
return (
<NavBar title='volodymyr' />
<Route path='/' exact render={(props) => <Main/>} />
<Route path='/admin' exact component={Admin} />
<PrivateRoute path='/AdminDashboard'exact component={AdminDashboard} />
<Route path='/training' component={Training} />
<Route path='/business' component={Business} />
<Route path='/research' component={Research} />
<Route path='/coach' component={Coach}/>
<Route path='/team' component={Team} />
<Route path='/symposium' component={GSymp}/>
<Route path='/blog' component={Blog} />
<Route path='/winners' component={Winners} />
<Route path='/hackaton' component={Hackaton} />
<Footer />
Well I'm not sure how exactly I fixed the issue, but I did it.
I re-do everything: * HashRouter instead of BrowserRouter * Homepage in Package.json but with lower X in "X-culture"
and it worked.