Search code examples

Identify purchasing patterns SQL

I wish to identify members who bought a sequence of products from my store and save their details for further analysis.

I am interested in identifying members who bought apples AND whether they previously bought either pears OR oranges OR grapes OR melon.

My transactional data looks as follows:


From the data above member 1 bought apples (4/4/2020) but did not buy one or many of the key products (pears OR oranges OR grapes OR melon) before this. However, member 2 also bought apples but prior to this they also bought pears (02/22/2020) therefore they are a member of interest.

Ideally the output would just be a column of MBR_ID and a column titled interest_y_n with y if the condition is matched or no if they do not match.

I would really appreciate any direction on how to solve this problem.

I am using Netezza as the database platform if this helps.


  • You can do using CTE as well. Here is the demo.

    with maxDate as
        max(purchase_date) as mxDate
    from test
    where product = 'apples'
    group by
    minDate as
        min(purchase_date) as mnDate
      from test
      group by
    inter_y as
          'y' as interest_y_n
      from test t
      join maxDate mx
      on t.mbr_id = mx.mbr_id
      join minDate mn
      on t.mbr_id = mn.mbr_id 
      where purchase_date between mnDate and mxDate
      and product in ('pears', 'oranges', 'grapes', 'melon')
        distinct mbr_id,
        'n' as interest_y_n
    from test t
    where not exists (select mbr_id from inter_y iy where t.mbr_id = iy.mbr_id)
    union all
    select *
    from inter_y


    | mbr_id  interest_y_n |
    |     1        n       |
    |     2        y       |