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Instantiate Javascript classes that expect "new" keyword on KotlinJS

considering the following javascript code (partially taken from Apollo Server documentation), it creates an instance of ApolloServer and start it.

const {ApolloServer} = require('apollo-server')

const server = new ApolloServer({ ... });

server.listen().then(({ url }) => {
  console.log(`Server ready at ${url}`);

Now consider to replicate the same behaviour using KotlinJS. Firstly, Kotlin doesn't have the "new" keyword and calling ApolloServer() as expected, won't work but raise an error (TypeError: Class constructor ApolloServer cannot be invoked without 'new').

// We can banally represent part of the code above like:
external fun require(module: String): dynamic
val ApolloServer = require("apollo-server").ApolloServer

// ApolloServer is a js class

Declaring an external class like:

external open class ApolloServer() {
    open fun listen(vararg opts: Any): Promise<Any>
    operator fun invoke(): Any

and set it as ApolloServer type doesn't help.

How do we replicate "new ApolloServer()" call?


  • To solve this problem I found an interesting approach based on JsModule annotation. We need to create a Kotlin file that represent that javascript module we want to import, in my case "apollo-server".

    package com.package
    import kotlin.js.Promise
    external interface ServerInfo {
        var address: String
        var family: String
        var url: String
        var subscriptionsUrl: String
        var port: dynamic /* Number | String */
            get() = definedExternally
            set(value) = definedExternally
        var subscriptionsPath: String
        var server: Any
    external open class ApolloServer(config: Any? /* ApolloServerExpressConfig & `T$0` */) : Any {
        open var httpServer: Any
        open var cors: Any
        open var onHealthCheck: Any
        open var createServerInfo: Any
        open fun applyMiddleware()
        open fun listen(vararg opts: Any): Promise<ServerInfo>
        open fun stop(): Promise<Unit>

    With the above code we are basically describing what we expect to find in the apollo-server module and how to map it into Kotlin.

    In our Kotlin main function we don't have to specify any require(...) but just use our ApolloServer class like:

        ApolloServer(null).listen().then {

    Using this approach Kotlin would transpile it correctly, using the new keyword in javascript.

    Transpiled version extract:

      function main$lambda(it) {
        return Unit;
      function main() {
        (new ApolloServer(null)).listen().then(main$lambda);

    This code is just an example, ApolloServer won't be initialized without a proper configuration, this case, for example, contains a nullable configuration.