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Azure B2C configure OTP parameters using policies

I'm trying to configure a B2C tenant using policies instead of user flows.For that, I'm using the SocialAndLocalAccount template as start base. One of the things I'd like to do is to configure the email's verification parameters so I can choose the code's length, expiration time, etc. I don't really care about having a custom email like the example with SendGrid, just want to be able to configure the basic parameters.

I've been following the otp example they have in the documentation and managed to display the option properly but I never receive the email when clicking on "Send Code". Am I missing something? Is there another way to achieve this?

I'm new to Azure B2C and policies so I would appreciate any suggestions you might have. Thanks!


  • Currently, if you want to use the custom OTP generation within B2C, you have to use an external mail provider. The built in email verification has a separate combined OTP and mail provider service that is not able to be decoupled.