Hi the problem in the code is at the end finalResult[index]= mark; code, mark gives error. It says cannot convert int to string. How can i fix it ?
System.out.println("Please choose a criteria (2-7) ?");
topic = in.nextInt();
System.out.println("Please enter a mark :");
int mark = in.nextInt();
final int size = cols.length;
String[] finalResult = new String[size];
int index = 0;
while(index<finalResult.length ) {
if (index==topic) {
finalResult[index]= mark;
} else {
The problem is here:
finalResult[index] = mark;
You can't put int number to String array:
incompatible types: int cannot be converted to java.lang.String
You need to convert number to String before adding to the array.
You have to change as follows:
finalResult[index] = String.valueOf(mark);
finalResult[index] = mark + "";