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how to change this embed?

Hiiii! So after many days im finally close to finishing my "currency bot". One of the last parts is the leaderboard, and it's working. but, I don't like how it looks but I don't know how to change it. It might sound confusing so I'm just gonna put some screenshots to make it clear


This is the message I'm getting but I want the number to be in the same line as the user and number:

  1. @Pegasus BOT - 100000
  2. @wex - 11000
  3. @wextest - 2000

Here's part of the code I'm using:

const topembed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle( + "'s TOP Donators!")

if(res.length === 0) {
    topembed.addField(`No data found`)
} else if(res.length < 10) {
    for(i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
        let member = res[i].userID
            topembed.addField(`${i + 1}`, `${member} **- ${res[i].donos}**`,)

I use MongoDB to save data if it matters

Thanks for your help!


  • You can use \n to begin a new line. Maybe description might be more suitable.

    var description = ""
    for(i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
      let member = res[i].userID
      description += `${i + 1}. ${member} **- ${res[i].donos}**\n`