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Is perPixelTargetFind valid with objects created with freeDrawingBrush?

Does perPixelTargetFind work with objects created by freeDrawingBrush? Same for specifying cornerColor, etc. I am able to select the free-drawn objects but only by the bounding box and the controls are the default.

(It's been a while since I worked with Fabric.js so sorry if this is a too-basic question. Also, while I am here: are there any more "user friendly" forms of the Fabric.js documentation than the JSDocs which exist at Those docs are fine but it is difficult to get an overview of properties except by scrolling through entire pages)

I create my PencilBrush like this:

 this.object = new fabric.PencilBrush(this.canvas, {
  width: this.strokeWidth,
  color: this.stroke,
  perPixelTargetFind: true,
  cornerColor: "#ff0000",
  borderColor: "#00ff00",
  hasBorders: true,
  hasControls: true
this.canvas.freeDrawingBrush = this.object

enter image description here


  • Reading through the docs for canvas I discovered that I can set perPixelTargetFind for the canvas itself rather than for the individual shape instances as I had been doing, so now paths created with the freeDrawingBrush brush are selectable by their painted areas only rather than by their bounding boxes

       this.canvas = new fabric.Canvas(canvasEl, {
          perPixelTargetFind :true