I'm creating my first app with react-router and was having some trouble with an invalid hook error. I did manage to fix the error, but I don't really understand why this fixed it. So, in my App component I had a Switch with the following Route:
Now lets suppose the SignIn component looked like this:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
const SignIn = () => {
const [test, setTest] = useState('test');
return (
export default SignIn;
With this set-up I kept getting an invalid hooks error, which only went away when I changed the Route in the App component to this:
render={(props) => <SignIn {...props}/>}
Now this had solved the problem and the invalid hook problem went away, but why? I am not actually using any props in the SingIn component, at least not at the moment. Which of the React Hook Rules am I breaking here?
Since SignIn
is a component, you can do it like this:
The render
syntax is when you want to pass some additional props