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Sound when timer stops swiftUI Apple Watch

I'm working currently on a timer app for the Apple Watch. I'm managed to get a sound when the timer reaches 5 seconds. Only, when I'm pressing "done" the timer sounds still plays and I don't now how to stop the sound. I'm using WKInterfaceDevice.current().play(.success).

I want to stop the sound when the "cancel" button is pressed within the 5 seconds and when the "done" button is pressed.

I cannot find anything on the internet. I think that WKInterfaceDevice does not have an stop function.

struct softView: View {

@State var timerVal = 10

var body: some View {

    VStack {

        if timerVal > 0 {
            Text("Time Remaining")
                .font(.system(size: 14))
                .font(.system(size: 40))

                    Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true) { _ in
                        if self.timerVal > 0 {
                            self.timerVal -= 1
                        if self.timerVal < 6 {
                .font(.system(size: 14))

            NavigationLink(destination: ContentView(), label: {Text("Cancel")})
                RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 20)
                    .stroke(, lineWidth: 2)


        else {

            NavigationLink(destination: ContentView(), label: {Text("Done")})
                    RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 20)
                        .stroke(, lineWidth: 2)


    }         .navigationBarHidden(true)



  • When does your timer know when to stop?
    You have to define the event when the timer is to be stopped. That's where.invalidate will come handy.

    Basic Example:

    Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1, repeats: true) { [weak self] (timer) in
      guard let _weakSelf = self else { timer.invalidate(); return }
      _weakSelf.timerVal -= 1
      if _weakSelf.timerVal < 0 { //if timer count goes negative then stop timer
      } else if _weakSelf.timerVal < 6 {

    For more control, i.e. If you want to stop the timer from, say, a button tap then we will have to make this timer object global.
    Furthermore, if you want to pop the View after the timer is completed/cancelled then we need to make more changes.
    This all gets a bit complicated but it's simple to understand.
    I would suggest you to break out your timer related logic into an ObservableObject class and use it within your View.


    struct ContentView: View {
      @State var isShowingTimer: Bool = false
      var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
          NavigationLink(destination: TimerView(isShowing: $isShowingTimer),
                         isActive: $isShowingTimer) {
                          Text("Start Timer")
    • isShowingTimer controls the push/pop event for TimerView
      • It is sent as a binding to TimerView so it can be updated from inside TimerView in order to pop.

    struct TimerView: View {
      //Trigger for popping this view
      @Binding var isShowing: Bool
      @ObservedObject var timerControl = TimerControl()
      var body: some View {
        VStack {
            .onAppear(perform: {
              //start timer event
              self.timerControl.startTimer(from: 10)
            .onDisappear(perform: {
              //stop timer if user taps on `Back` from the Navigation Bar
            .onReceive(timerControl.$isComplete, //observe timer completion trigger
                       perform: { (success) in
                        //hide this view
                        self.isShowing = !success
              .onTapGesture(perform: {
                //stop timer event

    class TimerControl: ObservableObject {
      @Published var count: Int = 0
      @Published var isComplete: Bool = false
      private var timer: Timer?
      func startTimer(from count: Int) {
        self.count = count
        timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true) { [weak self] (timer) in
          guard let _weakSelf = self else { timer.invalidate(); return }
          _weakSelf.count -= 1
          if _weakSelf.count <= 0 {
          } else if _weakSelf.count < 6 {
            print(">>make some noise here<<")
      func stopTimer() {
        guard isComplete == false else { return }
        isComplete = true

    • ObservableObject class can emit changes
    • @Published variables emit signals of change
    • @ObservedObject listens for changes on the ObservableObject
    • .onReceive handles Publisher events. In this case listens for changes by timerControl.$isComplete