I am creating a list of swipeable view components. I want to achieve that when one swipeable is active, touched anywhere else besides this swipeable view will close the swipe. Kind of like a textInput onblur.
I think adding a listener might help here, but not exactly sure how to achieve it.
I also have a stack navigator later that will push a page on top of the list. What I am looking for is the same, once outside the view, then close the swipe.
The code is like this, to be clear.
{items.map(item => <CustomItem itemdata={item} />)}
With custom item component like:
import Swipeable from 'react-native-gesture-handler/Swipeable';
....//React component stuff
render() {
return (
Next to your component, add TouchableOpacity
that takes rest of display screen
render() {
return (
<TouchableOpacity style={{flex: 1, height: "100%", width:"100%"}} onPress={()=>yourOutsdieClickAction()} />