Search code examples

Vue - Invalid or unexpected Token

following code works:

<draggable-pic :pics="{{ $pics }}" :gal-id="{{ $gallery->id }}"></draggable-pic>

and this does not:

<draggable-pic :pics="{{ $pics }}" :gal-id="{{ $gallery->id }}" :ph-code="{{ auth()->user()->phcode }}" :gal-code="{{ $gallery->galcode }}"></draggable-pic>

this is the message I get:

app.js:44150 [Vue warn]: Error compiling template:

    invalid expression: Invalid or unexpected token in


    Raw expression: :ph-code="2AMJJK1"

    75 |          
    76 |  
    77 |  <draggable-pic :pics="[{REMOVED LONG CONTENT FOR SEMPLICITY}]" :gal-id="37" :ph-code="2AMJJK1" :gal-code="D6687165"></draggable-pic>
    78 |  
    79 |  

    (found in <Root>)

and this are my props:

props: ['pics', 'galId', 'phCode', 'galCode']

what am I doing wrong?


I tried, and if I enter a number it works.. so I tried this:

props: {
  pics: String,
  galId: Number,
  phCode: String,
  galCode: String

but still, no luck.

here is my current VUE file:

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-12">
        <section class="list">
            <draggable class="drag-area" :list="picsNew" :options="{animation:200, group:'status'}" :element="'article'" @add="onAdd($event, false)"  @change="update">
                <article class="card" v-for="(photo, index) in picsNew" :key="" :data-id="">
                        <img :src="`/images/${ this.phcode }/${ this.galcode }/thumb/thumb_${ photo.filename }`">  {{ photo.filename }}

import draggable from 'vuedraggable'
export default {
    components: {

    props: {
        myPics: String,
        galId: Number,
        phCode: String,
        galCode: String
    } ,

    data() {
        return {
            picsNew: this.myPics,
    methods: {

        update() {
  , index) => {
                photo.order = index + 1;

            let photos = this.picsNew;
            axios.put('/gallery/' + this.galid + '/updateAll', {
                photos: photos
            }).then((response) => {
            }).catch((error) => {



  • Vue will let you create a binding to a literal number:

    <comp :myprop="1000"></comp>

    But if you bind to text, it needs to be a variable:

    <comp :myprop="asdf"></comp>

    The following is not a valid variable name in JavaScript because it begins with a number:

    <comp :myprop="2AMJJK1"></comp>

    You probably don't mean to create a binding, so do this:

    <draggable-pic ph-code="2AMJJK1"></draggable-pic>

    (Remove the : binding)