I was documenting my code that i wrote following some tutorials on Spring data for solr apache, and i realised i didn't know the diference between a solrTemplate
and a SolrClient
i was documenting the following code :
@EnableSolrRepositories(basePackages = {"com.anouar.solr.nomenclaturespringdatasolr.repository",
namedQueriesLocation = "classpath:solr-named-queries.properties")
public class SolrConfig {
String solrURL;
* returns the bean that establishes the connection with Solr through port 8983
* @return SolrClient
* **/
public SolrClient solrClient() {
return new HttpSolrClient.Builder(solrURL).build();
* @param client the bean that is connected to Solr through port 8983
* **/
public SolrTemplate solrTemplate(SolrClient client) throws Exception {
return new SolrTemplate(client);
Below is the description from apache documentation for SolrClient
Abstraction through which all communication with a Solr server may be routed
which means all your solr calls will be route via solrClient so we need to configure solr server address, port(few other also) to solrClient
where as solrTemplate
is for solr operations like query, count, etc..
will use solrClient
that's why while configuring solrTemplate
, solrClient
is passed.