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What is the difference between SolrTemplate and SolrClient?

I was documenting my code that i wrote following some tutorials on Spring data for solr apache, and i realised i didn't know the diference between a solrTemplate and a SolrClient ?

i was documenting the following code :

@EnableSolrRepositories(basePackages = {"com.anouar.solr.nomenclaturespringdatasolr.repository", 
                    namedQueriesLocation = "")

public class SolrConfig {

String solrURL;

 * returns the bean that establishes the connection with Solr through port 8983
 * @return SolrClient
 * **/

public SolrClient solrClient() {
    return new HttpSolrClient.Builder(solrURL).build();

 * @param client the bean that is connected to Solr through port 8983
 * **/

public SolrTemplate solrTemplate(SolrClient client) throws Exception {
    return new SolrTemplate(client);


  • Below is the description from apache documentation for SolrClient

    Abstraction through which all communication with a Solr server may be routed

    which means all your solr calls will be route via solrClient so we need to configure solr server address, port(few other also) to solrClient .

    where as solrTemplate is for solr operations like query, count, etc.. solrTemplate will use solrClient that's why while configuring solrTemplate , solrClient is passed.