I have asp:LinkButton, input Button defined as:
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkViewPdf" runat="server" CssClass="icoMiniTest" ClientIDMode="Static" >View Office Pdf</asp:LinkButton>
<input id="Button2" type="button" value="TestEnable" onclick="TestEnable(document.getElementById('lnkViewPdf'));" />
the LinkButton is initially disabled in code-behind as:
if (!IsPostBack)
this.lnkViewPdf.Enabled = false;
and needs to be enabled when Button2 is clicked, so I am calling javascript function to enable the link as:
function TestEnable(lnkbutton) {
alert('TestEnable() called');
lnkbutton.disabled = "";
//$("#lnkbutton").removeAttr('disabled'); //even this doesn't work
But I am not able to enable the linkbutton.
Am I missing something?
Thank you!
Anyone interested in solution to above problem:
In code-behind:
this.lnkViewPdf.Attributes["disabled"] = "disabled";
this.lnkViewPdf.Attributes["onclick "] = "return false";
function TestEnable(lnkbutton) {
lnkbutton.onclick = "";
NOTE: When setting lnkViewPdf.Enabled = false; LinkButton was being rendered as
<a id="lnkViewPdf" class="aspNetDisabled icoMiniTest">View Office Pdf</a>
see the style class aspNetDisabled, something added by ASP.Net
However setting disabled/onclick attributes from the codebehind as shown above, render Linkbutton as:
<a id="lnkViewPdf" class="icoMiniTest" disabled="disabled" onclick ="return false" href="javascript:__doPostBack('lnkViewPdf','')">View Office Pdf</a>
Try now...
function TestEnable(lnkbutton) {
lnkbutton.disabled = "";
lnkbutton.onclick = "";