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How to fix the VHDL error "type of identifier xxx does not agree with its usage as xxx type"?

I'm new to VHDL. My code now looks like this:


entity g14_lpm is
port ( i_clk    : in std_logic;
        i_rstb  : in std_logic;
         i_x     : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
         i_y     : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
         o_xx, o_yy : out std_logic_vector(64 downto 0)
end g14_lpm;

architecture arc of g14_lpm is
signal r_x : signed(31 downto 0);
signal r_y : signed(31 downto 0);
signal xx  : signed(63 downto 0);
signal yy  : signed(63 downto 0);
signal xy  : signed(53 downto 0);
component LPM_MULT


port ( DATAA : in std_logic_vector(LPM_WIDTHA-1 downto 0);
         DATAB : in std_logic_vector(LPM_WIDTHB-1 downto 0);
         ACLR  : in std_logic := '0';
         CLOCK : in std_logic := '0';
         CLKEN : in std_logic := '1';
         RESULT : out std_logic_vector(LPM_WIDTHP-1 downto 0));
end component;

------------------------COMPONENT INSTANTIATION---------------------------------
        mult1 : LPM_MULT generic map (
                  LPM_WIDTHA => 32,
                  LPM_WIDTHB => 32,
                  LPM_WIDTHP => 64,
                  LPM_REPRESENTATION => "SIGNED",
                  LPM_PIPELINE => 4


        port map ( DATAA => i_x, DATAB => i_x, CLOCK => i_clk, RESULT => xx );



        p_mult : process (i_clk, i_rstb)


        elsif (rising_edge(i_clk)) then
            r_x <= signed(i_x);
            r_y <= signed(i_y);

        o_xx <= std_logic_vector ('0' & xx - yy);
        o_yy <= std_logic_vector (r_X*r_y & '0');

        end if;
        end process p_mult;

end arc;

And I am getting two errors at line 49, which is highlighted, saying type of identifier "xx" does not agree with its usage "std_logic_vector" type and cannot associate formal port "RESULT" of mode "out" with an expression.

I'm not sure what to change for this part, a significant portion of the code is provided in the manual.

How do I fix this?


  • Either use a helper signal

    signal result : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
    port map ( 
        DATAA => i_x, 
        DATAB => i_x, 
        CLOCK => i_clk, 
        RESULT => result
    xx <= signed(result);

    or maybe they can be cast directly - never tried to be honest - like

    port map ( 
        DATAA => i_x, 
        DATAB => i_x, 
        CLOCK => i_clk, 
        signed(RESULT) => xx 

    as mentioned here