Hi Im trying to add a bearer token to a retrofit call in java, but i cant seem to pass it.
Currently Im logging in with one method and this creates a bearer token and im trying to add the token to the Get Call, but its just returning a 401 error, have I added the token to the call correctly?
Call<ResponseBody> getFavourites (@Query("favourite") Boolean fave,@Header("Bearer Token") String authHeader);
Call<LoginResponse> postLogin (@Body LoginCredentialsBody body);
public class LoginApiStepDefinition extends TestBaseFix {
Retrofit retrofit = super.buildRetrofit(super.buildOkHttpClient());
RetrofitCallsLogin call = retrofit.create(RetrofitCallsLogin.class);
RetrofitCallsGetFavourites favecall = retrofit.create(RetrofitCallsGetFavourites.class);
private Response<LoginResponse> responseBody;
private String favouritesResponseBody;
String usernameValue;
String passwordValue;
@And("I login with {string} and {string} to return login token")
public void iLoginWithAndToReturnLoginToken(String username, String password) throws Exception {
LoginApi(username, password);
public String LoginApi(String username, String password) throws Exception {
usernameValue = username;
passwordValue = password;
//gets fixture ids for the dates
LoginCredentialsBody login = new LoginCredentialsBody();
String responseBody = call.postLogin(login).execute().body().toString();
String requiredString = responseBody.substring(responseBody.indexOf("=") + 1, responseBody.indexOf(","));
return token;
@Then("I get the list of favourites with {string} and {string}")
public void iGetTheListOfFavouritesWithAnd(String username, String password) throws Exception {
String favouritesResponseBody = favecall.getFavourites(true, LoginApi(username, password)).execute().body().toString();
To add bearer token in retrofit, you have to create a class that implements Interceptor
public class TokenInterceptor implements Interceptor{
public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
//rewrite the request to add bearer token
Request newRequest=chain.request().newBuilder()
.header("Authorization","Bearer "+ yourtokenvalue)
return chain.proceed(newRequest);
Now add your Interceptor class in OKHttpClient object and add that obejct in Retrofit object:
TokenInterceptor interceptor=new TokenInterceptor();
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
.baseUrl("add your url here")