First things first, I'm no asking for a solution but a way to think.
I got some data that I need to serialize to check out later... I know how to do it.. but the fields names are the problem...
The data structure contains:
Name of the Field
(There are like.. 20 different fields. I need to check a biiiggggg string log...)
I could use a single String[][] or several Strings[] ... as I said.. the problem is how it appears on the XML...
If I do a single arraylist multidimensional -> [][] I got this
And if I do a single string[] I can put the name of the String as the field name
I saw that normal alias is for ALL fields (@XStreamImplicit(itemFieldName="part")) and that don't solve my problem..
It could be worthless if on the other side when I do deserialization, check the log by line and no by field (I know line 1 is field name, line 2 is x..etc)..
So.. what do you guys think?
I usually design serialization depending on the contents of my "fields". Say that your name and value fields are relatively small, you could serialize them as
<field name="foo" cordX="12324" cordY="1324" value="value of field foo" />
<field name="foo" cordX="12324" cordY="1324" value="value of field foo" />
of course, if value is long, then you don't want to serialize it as attribute, but as a regular field value like so:
<field name="foo" cordX="12324" cordY="1324">The long value </field>
<field name="foo" cordX="12324" cordY="1324">Even longer field value...</field>
You can achieve this using XStream like so:
public class Run {
public static void main(String[] args) {
XStream xs = new XStream(new DomDriver());
xs.processAnnotations(new Class[] { Field.class, Container.class });
Container c = new Container();
c.addField("boo", 1,2, "desc");
c.addField("boo", 1,2, "desc");
String serialized = xs.toXML(c);
// deserialize
Container newContainer = (Container) xs.fromXML(serialized);
if (newContainer.fields.size() != 2) {
System.out.println("Not deserialized as expected...");
// if you don't want "container"
xs.alias("mylist", List.class);
where you define your Container and Field like so:
public class Container {
public List<Field> fields;
public void addField(String name, int x, int y, String desc) {
if (fields == null) fields = new ArrayList<Field>();
fields.add(new Field(name, x,y, desc));
public class Field {
public Field() {}
public Field(String name, int x, int y, String desc) { = name;
cordX = x;
cordY = y;
value = desc;
private String name;
private int cordX;
private int cordY;
private String value;
The program gives this output:
<field name="boo" cordX="1" cordY="2" value="desc"/>
<field name="boo" cordX="1" cordY="2" value="desc"/>
<field name="boo" cordX="1" cordY="2" value="desc"/>
<field name="boo" cordX="1" cordY="2" value="desc"/>
Hope this helps.