I have a claim called groups
. When I setup my TokenValidationParameters
I set RoleClaimType
to be groups
When the claims come through, the groups
claim has a value like this:
"something,some other thing,more things,other other things"
But when I call:
User.IsInRole("some other thing");
The result is False
What does IsInRole
expect in that claim?
Meaning does it want semicolon separation, comma separation (that does not seem to be working), space delimited, or a single value (not sure how it could be an "in" check if it is a single value.)
wants the claim to contain the value you are looking for.
This is why it won't work in your case.
What you can do is make a claims transformation like this:
public class AzureAdGroupsSplitClaimTransformation : IClaimsTransformation
public Task<ClaimsPrincipal> TransformAsync(ClaimsPrincipal principal)
var identities = principal.Identities;
if (identities == null)
return Task.FromResult(principal);
var result = new List<ClaimsIdentity>();
var groupsClaimSplit = false;
// Iterate each identity the user may have, make sure to keep all of them
foreach (var identity in identities)
var groupClaims = identity.FindAll("groups").ToList();
if (groupClaims.Count != 1 || !groupClaims[0].Value.Contains(','))
// groupClaims.Count == 0: Identity does not have groups
// groupClaims.Count > 1: Identity has more than one groups claim, already split
// The only groups claim does not contain a comma: Identity has one group, no need to split
var claim = groupClaims[0];
var groups = claim.Value.Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var claims = groups.Select(s => new Claim("groups", s));
var updatedIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity(identity, claims);
groupsClaimSplit = true;
// Nothing was done to the original identities, may as well just return the original principal
if (!groupsClaimSplit)
return Task.FromResult(principal);
return Task.FromResult(new ClaimsPrincipal(result));
And then register it in the service collection:
services.AddSingleton<IClaimsTransformation, AzureAdGroupsSplitClaimTransformation>();
Now you should get additional group claims for the user with only a single value.
Your role check should then work.
Though it is a bit odd to use IsInRole for this purpose,
you could also use User.HasClaim("groups", "your-group-id")