I'm a beginner in web dev so excuse my lack of knowledge.
I have a Teacher
and a Student
Ecto schema. They are supposed to be linked via another schema called Class
by following these rules:
Each class has only one teacher, and has an array of students.
Each teacher can be part of many classes
Each student can be part of many classes.
Here's the schema I've built so far:
# Part of student.ex
schema "students" do
field :active, :boolean, default: false
field :birthday, :date
field :email, :string, unique: true
field :firstname, :string
field :lastname, :string
field :phone, :string, unique: true
belongs_to :classes, Class, foreign_key: :class_id
many_to_many :teachers, Users.Teacher, join_through: "classes"
# Part of teacher.ex
schema "teachers" do
field :active, :boolean, default: false
field :birthday, :date
field :email, :string, unique: true
field :firstname, :string
field :lastname, :string
field :phone, :string, unique: true
belongs_to :classes, Class, foreign_key: :class_id
many_to_many :students, Users.Student, join_through: "classes"
# Part of class.ex
schema "classes" do
field :end_date, :date
field :time, :time
field :level, :string
field :start_date, :date
field :title, :string
has_many :students, Users.Student
has_one :teacher, Users.Teacher
embeds_many :sessions, Session
Things look ok here. But the problem is, how do I specify "an array of student ids" in my migration file? Here are the migration functions:
# Part of students migration file. It's the same for teachers.
def change do
create table(:students) do
add :firstname, :string, null: false, size: 32
add :lastname, :string, null: false, size: 32
add :phone, :string, null: false, size: 16
add :email, :string, size: 32
add :birthday, :date
add :active, :boolean, default: false, null: false
create(unique_index(:students, [:phone]))
This is where I'm really stuck at right now:
def change do
create table(:classes) do
add :title, :string, null: false
add :level, :string
add :hours, :string, null: false
add :start_date, :date
add :end_date, :date
add :teacher_id, references(:teachers), primary_key: true
# HERE! How do I create a column for an array of student_id foreign keys?
create(index(:classes, [:teacher_id]))
Thanks in advance.
As it is stated in docs for Ecto.Schema.belongs_to/3
You should use
in the table that contains the foreign key. Imagine acompany <-> employee
relationship. If theemployee
contains thecompany_id
in the underlying database table, we say theemployee
belongs tocompany
. In fact, when you invoke this macro, a field with the name of foreign key is automatically defined in the schema for you.
On the contrary, neither Ecto.Schema.has_one/3
nor Ecto.Schema.has_many/3
implies the existence of the respective field. Everything gets done by the other end of this link.
That said,
schema should have class_id
field (already there)classes
probably should have teacher_id
(assuming a teacher might have several classes.) To do that, alter teachers
to has_many :classes
instead of belongs_to :class
and alter classes
to belongs_to :teacher
instead of has_one :teacher
.Whether you want the student to belong to many classes, the schema is not correct. The existence of class_id
foreign key in each record of students
implies each student has this particular class associated. You should remove
belongs_to :classes, Class, foreign_key: :class_id
from students
, because it sticks one student to one class, in the first place. Then you have to introduce classes_to_students
join schema, as described here Ecto.Schema.many_to_many/3