What could be the reason that the method below throws DOMException: The source image could not be decoded.
async function drawImage(blob) {
console.log('Start draw image.')
if(context === undefined) {
console.log('Context is not defined.');
} else if(blob.type === 'image/jpeg') {
console.log('Drawing image');
// Error: DOMException: The source image could not be decoded.
const bmp = await createImageBitmap(blob);
context.drawImage(bmp, 0, 0);
The code above runs inside a web worker, specifically after a decode process:
onmessage = async function (e) {
let jpegBlob = decodeBinary(e.data);
Well, a broken image would cause this.
// The same would happen in a Worker thread,
// it's just easier for StackSnippet to log from main thread
const context = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d');
function decodeBinary() {
return new Blob(["not an image"], {type: 'image/jpeg'});
async function drawImage(blob) {
console.log('Start draw image.')
if (context === undefined) { // beware, unsupported call to getContext returns `null`, not `undefined`
console.log('Context is not defined.');
} else if (blob.type === 'image/jpeg') {
console.log('Drawing image');
// Error: DOMException: The source image could not be decoded.
const bmp = await createImageBitmap(blob);
context.drawImage(bmp, 0, 0);
onmessage = async function(e) {
let jpegBlob = decodeBinary(e.data);
self.postMessage('', '*');
So you will want to check the content of your Blob, and to debug your decodeBinary
As a first step, you can check if the file signature matches one of the JPEG image:
new Uint8Array( (await blob.slice(0,3).arrayBuffer()) ).join("") === "255216255";
You can also try to pass that Blob to your main thread, create a blob:
URL from it, and try to load it in an <img>
tag, your browser may be more explicit about what the issue is.