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Why isn't xs:precisionDecimal part of the XSD1.1?

Although it is stated everywhere that xs:precisionDecimal belongs to the XML Schema 1.1 (see or, I cannot find any definition for xs:precisionDecimal under If I'm clicking on the links under the XML Schema section, they are definitions for a lot of types (like int, double, string etc.) but not for precisionDecimal.

Where can I find the definition for xs:precisionDecimal and why is not part of


  • At the time of the linked IBM DeveloperWorks article (2008), xs:precisionDecimal was planned for XSD 1.1 and was in the W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1, W3C Working Draft 20 June 2008.

    By W3C Candidate Recommendation 21 July 2011, xs:precisionDecimal was removed:

    The precisionDecimal datatype has been removed since there does not seem to be sufficient consensus in the community for its retention.

    It is, as you've observed, not part of the current recommendation, W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1 Part 2: Datatypes, W3C Recommendation 5 April 2012.