My objective is to add a new state_selection widget (in the same way as the one that is present in the Kanban view of the tasks of the project module) with three (3) options / colors :
I mean, I want the new state to have a new color, for example, orange.
Preferably, I would like to do it myself if it is not too complicated; otherwise, an existing module will do the trick.
I have no idea how to do it, and I can't find any documentation on it. Can you help me or indicate a module to do this simply?
this is the xml code
<xpath expr="//field[@name='kanban_state']" position="replace">
<field name="kanban_state_child" widget="state_selection"/>
and this is the field definition
kanban_state_child = fields.Selection([
('on_hold', 'En attente'),
('normal', 'En cours'),
('done', 'Prêt'),
('blocked', 'Bloquée')], string='Status',
copy=False, default='on_hold', required=True, readonly=False, store=True)
You can extend the selection state widget
/** @odoo-module */
import { registry } from '@web/core/registry';
import { StateSelectionField } from '@web/views/fields/state_selection/state_selection_field';
export class CustomStateSelectionField extends StateSelectionField {
setup() {
this.colors = {
normal: "orange",
done: "green",
blocked: "red",
get showLabel() {
return true;
registry.category('fields').add('custom_state_selection', CustomStateSelectionField);
.o_status {
@extend .o_status;
&.o_status_orange {
@extend .bg-warning;
Add the fiels under assets
entry in the
'assets': {
'web.assets_backend': [
And set the widget attribute of the selection field to custom_state_selection